Sunday, June 26, 2005

Saturday Adventures with Scooter

I actually did do some writing yesterday, if cutting-n-pasting most of a query letter for one magazine into another very similar query letter for another magazine can be considered writing. I’m going to send it, despite the fact it’s going to a magazine in Hawaii about profiling a scientist who works there, and I’m in Arizona.
There were quite a few preparations for the baby shower yesterday. My partner (who henceforth shall be known as Scooter, one of her more obscure nicknames) wrapped a million and one small gifts for the baby-boy-to-be. I prepped the cameras and offered moral support. Scooter is currently making cake and topping. I’m drifting in from time to time to take out the trash and wash off the mixer blades after licking them.
We stopped by the local friendly neighborhood homo-bar last night for an hour, and had a surprisingly good time. We had dinner there—it’s one of the few gay bars in Phoenix with decent food—and just sort of hung out and people-watched until the smoke drove us out.
One fellow brought in his baby dachshund. Everybody, including me & Scooter, were making over little 10-week-old Chelsea. I have no idea why anyone would bring their puppy to the bar, but maybe it’s a good way to make conversation—if this fellow had been a lesbian, he could have had the phone number of every woman in the place, ours included.
Back to writing. I’m still stuck on what to write about next. I have an Echo column coming up, not too worried about it yet, although I should start cooking up a topic. I have several other ideas I’m in love with, but no place to take them on a date (i.e., I can’t seem to find a magazine that I feel I could send a query to on that topic). It occurred to me yesterday that if it’s so dang simple for me to write a column, why the heck don’t I focus on selling columns to magazines and newspapers, or *a* column (and self-syndicating it). So far, the reasons I came up with are:

--I hadn’t thought of it that way before.
--I want to write narrative nonfiction, which can be done in a column, but not in your typical 750-800 word one.

So I guess I'll be doing some more muddling whilst we celebrate the baby’s impending arrival.


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