Tuesday, August 09, 2005

idea birth

Ok, first we'll start with the obligatory grandson photo. Don't worry, that's not his pizza in the background, that's his daddy's. He's still wearing a milk mustache. :)

I've been crafting plans for the next year in terms of my writing outside of work. And I do need a plan. As much as I dread marketing myself, it has to be done...and for me to take freelancing seriously, some direction is in order.

On the other hand, my creativity coach said she sensed I was the nose-to-the-grindstone sort and could use some fun. I agree. I have some addictive little video editing projects that might help in that regard, as well as a couple of creative nonfiction/essay/memoir type writings in the back of my mind that would be driven by my heart, not my head.

I'm still gathering some fun ideas for the Bright Livelihood column. I hope I can write a sample column soon and start working out the kinks in that idea. :)

Happy August! Don't swoon in all this humidity, which by this point in the summer is sopping even "desert" like Phoenix. Our dew point was 70 degrees yesterday--yech!


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