Wednesday, July 13, 2005

good titles and string cheese

On the bus today, I came up with the hottest title for an ongoing column I want to write on alternative paths to a career that doesn't feel like a prison sentence: "Bright Livelihood."
That title seemed so hot, in fact, that I just ran to Google to see if 1500 people had had the same idea. They didn't, so if there aren't rampant plagiarists reading my blog, I may have something here.
I realized it was time to start formulating a way to write freelance columns about career stuff--and non-standard career stuff at that--when every article idea I had at work revolved around vocation or second careers or how to tap your alumni connection to network successfully.
If it gets off the ground, Bright Livelihood will tell the stories of people who are doing what they want to do for a living--whether that means finding/creating their dream job, owning their own business or composing some portfolio of business/wage/volunteer jobs that make them outrageously happy. I'm sort of hoping that as a writer, I can tell their stories and provide a trail of breadcrumbs for the rest of us to follow.


In other news, I've been floating around the blogosphere a bit more recently and found a blog by a gentleman I used to read regularly during my Echo days. Darrell Grizzle is a gay Episcopalian who is also a Sufi healer and a licensed professional therapist. And a bear (big hairy chubby gay man, for the uninitiated). Definitely my kind of guy.
Anyway, Grizzle has a blog (oh, he writes, too) at called the Blog of the Grateful Bear. Today's entry quotes a great song from a group (presumably "religious" or "spiritual" in some way, I'm guessing) I've never heard of.

Grizzle writes:

"The new CD from The String Cheese Incident ("One Step Closer") opens with a prayer, 'Give Me the Love':

Give me the love I'd have, for all my enemies
Give me the love I'd have, for those I cannot please
Give me the love that knows
all the love there is
Give me the love that knows
all that love can give

That's all I ask of you
That's all I need from you
That's all I ask of you

From the sin that separates, and from the doubts
That have plagued my coming in and going out
May there be a bed of mercy, to lay my anger down
To fill the emptiness, where there is no sound
That's all I ask of you..."

Please give me that Love, indeed. What a blessing.


At 8:15 AM, Blogger Mitchelina said...

SCI isn't a Christian band but rather more "alternative" (think Phish or Wilco). They appeared in Lawrence recently, at the Wakarusa music festival. And that's all I know.

I personally think it's cool that people can make references to God, Jesus, prayer in every day without being pigeonholed.

At 8:48 AM, Blogger lizmo said...

Cool thanks for the info! I was too lazy to research them very far.


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