Sunday, June 11, 2006

Ok, maybe I'm not such a naughty blogger.

Good old, coming to the rescue to cover my laggardly blogging booty with this article about "Why Blog Post Frequency Does Not Matter Anymore."

I doubt that I'm so much Web 3.0 (whatever that means) as I am just typical. It seems everyone wants to play with their new blog-toy when they first set it up, but eventually has to attend to work, family or simple exhaustion and sacrifice daily posts.

Well, when I'm not avoiding blogging, I'm actually sending things to editors. I'm really pleased with the momentum I've gotten from my freelancing. I've got a huge backlog of writing-instruction type articles/article ideas to pitch to everyone from Writer's Digest to your local IABC chapter newsletter, I've made friends with the editor of my alma mater's alumni magazine (editing one myself proved to be a lovely way to start the conversation...) and plan to start pitching ideas at her until she assigns me one to write, and I'm starting to assemble some of the writing instruction stuff into a workshop.

I'm also still doing resumes for my client, although that's moving a little slower than last month. Still, I'm not complaining...

Oh, and that day job? Still assigning myself too many articles to write for the next issue. There's just too damn many fun things going on at my employer to give them all away to freelancers.

If you notice that I haven't mentioned much about the rest of my life, it feels like life in Phoenix in the summer is on hold--or simmer, I'm not sure which. Scooter and I went swimming at our friend's house last night and managed not to get blistering sunburns ala last July. The grandson is cute and adorable and talking and walking more and more.

That's all for now... :)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

naughty blogger

Boy, have I been bad about blogging...
I should probably apologize personally to the half-dozen or so people that I believe check this blog occasionally for signs of life. I'm fine. Been busy, the heat in Phoenix is now cranked up to "bake" (115 degrees today), and I just don't spend a lot of time on the computer at home, unless I'm doing freelance work on the weekends.
I've had some successes on the freelance front. An old client (old meaning I've worked for her on and off since 2000, not that SHE's old) has given me some resume-writing and editing work for her company. I prepare candidate resumes when she's ready to sell a client on this person as being THE solution for a project they need done. It's been great fun. And it's paid well.
Several freelance pitches have gotten at least nibbles. I'm still grinding away at Echo, doing their column once a month. I did an article on women's music festivals in May and that was both easy and fun. Bright Livelihood has sort of reached a sticking point--I'm struggling to name newspapers to pitch the idea to. So I've focused more on plotting the editor-to-writing-coach strategy (through building up a portfolio of clips on how to write, doing more editing projects, etc.) and less on my "creative career design" column--for now.
That's enough news for now. Just wanted you all to know I'm still kicking. :)