Thursday, October 27, 2005

blog bog

Good Lord, has it really been almost three weeks since my last entry? A perfect storm of anti-blogging factors are at work/responsible for this:
--I had three articles due last weekend and had to focus on writing them early enough to have time to edit them, and on getting them out on time.
--Our main, new, shiny, 160 GB hard drive Gateway is in a coma. We think the motherboard is fried, but we don't know yet. It is under warranty, thank the silicon powers that be.
--I have just been really, really tired most work nights and busy catching up on sleep and social skills on the weekend.
On the bright side, my writing notebook fairly sizzles with the work I've been doing on the bus each day. I've got FAQs for Bright Livelihood's sales packet, a prospecting letter for several trade magazines (looking for ongoing assignments), and a couple of query letters for specific articles I'd like to write waiting on the paper tarmac, ready to fly into the computer. Which, unfortunately is comatose.
While the computer is down, I'm dividing my internet time between our old (6 years old, which is about 100 in PC years) computer, and Scooter's daughter's PC. It makes saving documents a quandary: which one will have connectivity long enough for me to edit this? Send it to an editor? Etc.
In other news, Scooter and I will be pirates for Halloween. Those who live near us or are relatives probably have come to realize that pirates are our default costume and pretty much what we plan to be every Halloween. The cutest costume prize goes to Austin, the bubbly grandson, though. He now has a Harley rider outfit, complete with orange skull cap. The outfit is long-sleeved and is orange, black and white, so he will sort of look like a gigantic Tootsie roll. :) Gotta love it.


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